According to national statistics, there are between six to eight infants out of every 1,000 births who suffer birth injuries each year. Even more alarming is the fact that the majority of these injuries are preventable.
A birth injury is any injury suffered by the infant that occurs during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. There are a number of ways birth injuries can occur, including delayed birth, failure to recognize fetal distress during delivery, and aggressive birthing methods. If a doctor or other medical professional fails to provide the same standard of care or act with the same protocols that another professional would in similar circumstances, they may be deemed negligent for any injuries that result.
When this occurs, the victim can pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit for damages the injuries have caused. This type of legal action can be filed against an obstetrician, nurse, anesthesiologist, pediatrician, or any other medical professional whose negligence caused the birth injury.
While many people typically assume most birth injury lawsuits are filed against the doctor who delivers the baby, there are also a number of cases where it is a nurse or other medical professional involved in the birthing process who acted negligently. If this action caused the birth injury, they can be held liable for this tragedy.
One example of how a nurse’s negligence could contribute to a birthing injury is if he or she administers the wrong medication or an incorrect dosage of medication to either the mother or the infant. Pitocin is a common drug that it administered to women during labor as a way to induce contractions. If too much of the drug is given to the mother, it can be dangerous and result in serious injury to the mother and/or the infant and even cause fatalities.
Birth Injuries
There are a variety of ways an infant can suffer injuries during the birthing process. Some of the most common that the birth injury attorneys at our firm see include the following:
· Brachial palsy
· Bruising on the head or face
· Caput succedaneum (swelling under the scalp)
· Cephalhematoma (bleeding under the scalp)
· Cerebral palsy
· Erb’s palsy
· Facial paralysis
· Forceps marks
· Fractures to collar bone or arms
· Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Some of these birth injuries will eventually heal on their own or with minimal medical care. Other birth injuries will last a lifetime and result in a life of pain, health problems, and diminished life potential.
Contact a Birth Injury Attorney Today
If your infant has suffered a birth injury because of the negligence of a medical professional, contact a law firm to discuss what your legal options may be. Your family may be entitled to financial compensation for both the pending and future medical expenses for the care of your child, as well as pain and suffering, permanent disability, future care expenses, and more. Call a law office today to meet with a compassionate birth injury attorney, and find out how their legal team can help your family get the financial justice you deserve.