Personal Injury
Personal injury is used as an umbrella term that covers many, many different areas of law that deal with injuries that are caused by negligence, malice or recklessness. While many states in the U.S. have similar personal injury laws, each state has a set of rules and laws that are specific to that state. Because of this, it is important to have a lawyer who is licensed to practice in the state their injury occurred.
Personal injury is also used as a term that covers both injuries as well as illnesses that have been caused by the negligence of others or another party or person. These injuries and illnesses can be physical and/or mental. When someone is injured through no fault of their own, there is a good chance that the innocent victim, or the victim’s family, will benefit from discussing their situation with a reputable personal injury lawyer. Many kinds of personal injury cases such as asbestos exposure and mesothelioma claims, need to be handled by lawyers who specialize in that particular area of law.
Personal Injury Lawyer vs Personal Injury Attorney
Personal injury lawyer and personal injury attorney are terms that are used interchangeably in the United States. Technically, an attorney is always a lawyer but a lawyer may not necessarily be an attorney. A person who has completed a law degree from an accredited law school is called a lawyer. A lawyer can do many things pertaining to the law but they cannot practice law and represent clients in court unless they have passed the bar and licensing exams in the state or states in which they wish to practice law.
Many attorneys advertise themselves as lawyers. There is a good chance that an injury lawyer is also an attorney and is licensed to practice law in the state they are advertising in but it is a good idea to check the credentials of potential attorneys before you sign a retainer agreement (a contract between attorneys and clients.)
Asbestos Injuries
When someone has a disease that is the result of asbestos exposure, it may be referred to as an asbestos injury. Diseases related to asbestos exposure, typically develop within 10 to 50 or more years after the victim’s exposure. Asbestos causes different cancers, including mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura), lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, ovarian cancer and testes cancer. It can cause asbestosis which is a lung disease marked by severe fibrosis and it creates a high risk of mesothelioma. It can also cause pleural effusion, thickening and plaques.