Car Accident Lawyer
Even if you aren’t driving that fast, the sudden stop or impact from a car crash can exert a lot of force on your body. With your mind suddenly alert and adrenaline pumping through your blood, it can be surprisingly easy for symptoms of injuries or pain to go unnoticed. Only later — sometimes several days later — you may begin to feel aches or discomfort that may be the result of an injury you sustained during the heightened stimulation of the accident. Below are the most common symptoms and injuries you might not notice until well after the fact.
Frequent headaches can be the most common indicator that you sustained a concussion from the accident, but other symptoms include disorientation, nausea, fuzzy thoughts, dizziness, and even moments of lost consciousness. These could be signs of other head trauma or brain injury, and you should see your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms develop.
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Whiplash is common in car accidents due to the sudden stops that jerk your head around, and neck and shoulder pain can be indicators that those muscles are still aching from the abrupt strain. Check in with your doctor to make sure a more severe injury isn’t lurking beneath the surface.
Back Pain
Delayed back pain can result from something as straightforward as whiplash to a more severe injury like a spinal herniation. Seeing your doctor as soon as possible to examine and diagnose the cause of your pain can be crucial in preventing life-long problems and debilitations.
Abdominal Pain
Seek out medical attention immediately if you begin to suffer from abdominal pain, as it could be an indicator of internal bleeding. Dark-colored bruising around the stomach, dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches may also appear, and emergency action may be required to stop the bleeding, especially if the bleeding has taken place over several days.
Numbing Sensations
Any numbness or tingling in the limbs may mean spinal damage, possibly from sprains or herniated discs. These may accompany signs of whiplash.
Mental and Emotional Trauma
PTSD and other mental trauma, such as depression or anxiety, may emerge after an accident. Anyone who has experienced a traumatic event may be triggered into flashbacks of the event, and this can cause extreme emotional mood swings and behavioral changes. It’s possible for this trauma to worsen as time passes, so seeking out a professional for help is always advisable.
While an accident may become a part of your history, it doesn’t have to live with you into the present. If your accident was caused at the fault of another or you feel you haven’t been justly compensated for your damages, consult with a car accident lawyer who can assess your case and present you with the best options.